DNA Memorial HOME BANKING Solution

Home Banking is the most economical offering of our services and products. The sample DNA is placed inside a sealed sterile vial with content identification.

The DNA Memorial Home Banking may be banked in non extreme conditions and room temperature for future testing.

For more information see our FAQs page.

DNA Facility Secure Banking

Our DNA Facility Secure Banking maximizes the safe preservation of the DNA sample. Your medical and historical genetics are secure in our state of the art facility. The sample environment is strictly monitored and actively maintained for ideal preservation conditions. These conditions virtually exclude the possibility of damage or degredation to all genetic material present.

If you chose the DNA Facility Secure Banking option you will need to sign the DNA Memorial Banking Agreement. Download the DNA Memorial Banking Agreement (PDF).

VISIT ETERNAL memories shop

Memorial Products

For keepsakes and memorial products visit Eternal Memories the official supplier of DNA memorial keepsakes.

All their memorial products are encased with DNA from your loved ones. Imagine the idea of capturing the essence of those who have been close to us and being able to carry it with you, all the time. Now you can keep a part of your beloved ones. A part that both contains and represents everything that made them unique. A priceless memorial for both you and your future generations.

Click the link for all memorial products.

With each DNA Memorial Home banking sample, you will also receive a Certificate of Authenticity. The information contained in the certificate is as follows:

Name: The name of the deceased

Date: The date of issuance for the certificate (please note that this date is formatted DD/MM/YYYY)

Quantity DNA: The amount of DNA encapsulated in your DNA Memorial Home Banking vial

ID#: Your DM number identifies the casefile for this individual and allows quick access to the individuals file at the DNA Memorial laboratory

DOB: The date of birth for the recently departed (please note that this date is formatted DD/MM/YY)